Rules of the House
A certain set of rules is necessary when several people live together under a common roof. People will only feel comfortable when everyone is considerate to each other. The Rules of the House outline the rights and obligations to ensure a peaceful coexistence and apply to all residents.
1. Security
1.1 For security reasons, please ensure that the main entrance door, the doors to the basement, the door to the garage and the garage door itself are always closed.
1.2 Make sure that nothing blocks the common hallways, staircase, basement or paths outside since these are emergency routes. The only exception is baby carriages, walkers or wheelchairs. These can be stored under the staircase.
1.3 Do not place any plants or other objects in the stairwell.
1.4 Bicycles can only be stored in the designated area of the garage. A maximum of two bicycles can be stored here. Mopeds, motor scooters, motorcycles and bicycle trailers may not be kept here.
1.5 Storing flammable or odorous materials in the basement or garage is not permitted. The owner must be informed immediately if any materials leak.
1.6 Please keep the windows of the basement and the stairwell closed in the winter months. Also, please close the windows during rain or storm.
1.7 Smoking is not permitted in any common rooms, hallways or stairwell.
2. Barbecuing
2.1 Barbecuing or any larger open flame is not permitted on the balconies. A minimum distance of 25 m between an open flame and the house must be adhered to.
3. Motor Vehicles
3.1 You are not allowed to wash your motor vehicles on the property. Likewise, it is forbidden to perform an oil change or other repairs.
4. Ventilation
4.1 Ensure the apartment is sufficiently ventilated, especially in the winter months. This is best done by opening the windows wide for a short period of time.
5. Noise
5.1 Every resident is asked to refrain from avoidable noise in the apartment, the house and the rest of the property. Special consideration must be taken between 7:00 pm and 8:00 am as well as between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. Please adjust radios, TVs, CD players and so on to normal room volumes.
5.2 Playing musical instruments is not permitted at any time of day.
5.3 Sundays and holidays are generally considered days of rest and all excess noise must be avoided.
6. Pets
6.1 Pets are not allowed in the house.
7. Children
7.1 Parents or guardians are responsible for their children and must tidy up any toys. For security reasons, children cannot be left unattended in the basement or any common rooms.
8. Cleanliness
8.1 The house and the property must be kept clean.
8.2 Garbage may only be placed in the designated garbage and recycling bins. Please note that garbage must be sorted according to the guidelines set out by AWISTA (see Cardboard, toxic waste and bulky waste must be brought to the recycling station and cannot be placed in the garbage or recycling bins on the property.
8.3 Garbage may not be flushed down the toilets or the sinks.
8.4 The owner must be informed immediately of any damage to the property.
9. General
9.1 It is forbidden to feed birds on the balconies.
9.2 It is forbidden to store any refuse on the balconies.
Updated: November 2021
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